"I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in under the bars of iron."
Isaiah 45:2
Road Opener is a classic formula to help you clean up the roads and paths in your life. Think of a Road Opener as clearing brush and rubbish out of your path. You will walk faster to your goal with a clear open road.
Road Opener Bath Salts
Excluding Sales Tax
8 oz Jar
All Our Bath Salts are made withTraditional Ingredients Including: Organic Oils, Essential Oils, Botanicals, and Blessed & Consecrated Salt.
Additional Information
- Our Bath Salts are designed for multiple uses, not only a bath soak! Mix a Tablespoon in about 2 Cups of warm/hot water and pour over yourself after a shower as a Shower RInse. They can also be used to make floor and wall wash.