Song of Solomon 8:14
Hurry, my beloved,
And be like a gazelle or a young stag
On the mountains of spices.
On top of there picture that has been turned to a name paper,add deer leg bone powder,Cinnamon powder,Cardamom, cumin, clove powders. Tied up in a green cord and feedba drop of your pee. Give it a white candle and it's ready to go. Carry with you when you see you person an keep it under the bed or near by in freaky time. You can feed it with rum or smoke and supper charge it with our custom bang bang oil.
Another way to amplify it would be to take some honey and hibiscus and slow cook the honey and hibiscus down on low till it turns red. Print out any pentacle of Venus anoint it with myrrh an cypress. Put a dab of honey and a rose bud between the two of your pictures. Fold it up wit the powder then fold it up in the seal. Add it to a green bag and feed it pompae perfume.
Happy weekend. Conjure responsibly