Got that person who just won't stop talking smack about you and your significant others relationships? The wagging toungue can quickly ruin a relationship but it doesn't have have to
Get a mother in laws tongue plant and a picture of you and your person. Draw a circle around yalland write Matthew 19:6 on it.Dress it with some of our cast of evil ointment or a protective formula of your choice.
Fold the pic up and tie it to the leaf and use it as a sword to cut an scrape the gunk an the wagging toungue the gossip off you. Put it above your door or bed and wipe with it daily untill it wilts. It works better it both do it but you don't have to.
Another way is to hit the gossiper. Get a aloe leaf,there pic some STFU ointment and some red string and a black 7 day candle.
Cut the aloe open and scrape out the slime. Save it. Write out your intentions on the targets pic and dress it in a five spot with the ointment. Fold up and insert in the aloe leave. Pray that the aloe leave makes there toungue swell and pucker. Tie Tie tight and dress the knots and pray over it again.
Lightly dress the candle with ointment and let it burn down. Afterwards throw it in there path in the bushes or at the crossroads per divination.
God bless you. I'm back, iv never left we been extremely busy makekng products, doing services and developing new formula. We appreciate yall so much